electronic payment & billing services
Payment Service Network (PSN) specializes in providing electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) services to a variety of business industries including utility, municipal and government, property management, funeral services, insurance, and financial. At PSN, our mission is to help your customers easily and securely pay their bills with features like personalized customer support, streamlined business processes, and enhanced customer service.
First-time payers
Returning Payers
Municipal &
Property Management
Health Care
Other business entities with recurring billings
With our system flexibility, you can select those services that are just right for your business and your customers. Don't see what you are looking for? Contact us; it may be in development—we are constantly upgrading our system.
Payment Services
Online | Mobile App | IVR | Text | Call Center |
Terminal | Field Pay | Virtual | Bank-Issued | Check Scan |
Kiosk | Cash Sites |
Even More Services
Established in 1999 as one of the earliest pioneers in the truly all-electronic payment industry, PSN's mission was to automate the recurring customer payment process by integrating the web-based PSN system with account management (now CIS) software. Our mission today, as it was then, is to bring efficiencies and cost savings to the payment and billing process for companies while providing their customers all of the payment options that technology provides now and into the future. We achieved widespread industry success by being adaptable; we customize services for each business to meet their specific needs. As a result, we now serve over 5,400 (and counting) business accounts. In 2020, PSN joined forces with InvoiceCloud, and together, we provide the industry's leading electronic payment and billing platform.
Simply put, no matter how your customers initiate payments—online, mobile app, call-in, text, counter or field transaction, cash payment location, through their bank bill payment system, mailed check—by credit card, eCheck, eSavings, paper check, cash or money order—PSN’s payment system can capture the payment, route the payment, record the payment, deposit the money* and provide comprehensive real-time reports on the “who, where, what, when, how much” of the transaction. Most importantly, all payments are consolidated for one deposit, one posting to your software and one reconciliation report!
*Underlying money transmission provided by our partner bank.
5,400 business accounts
ePayments eBills eCommunications
simplifying business through consolidation
1 deposit*
1 posting
1 lookup 1 reconciliation
We integrate our web-based solutions with over 90 (and counting) software companies. The PSN system was designed to easily integrate with any software that can import and export customer data for the automated posting of payments and displaying amounts due online, among other data exchanges. Exchange of data between our systems range from batch to real-time to tokenization. Contact us to see if we have already integrated with your software. We also work with website builders and print/mail companies to provide seamless services, if needed.
top 4 reasons
If you change software systems, you will most likely not have to change your payment processor.
Your customers won't even know there was a change. They will retain their login credentials,
stored payment methods, payment and billing histories and all other information.
Many software companies that have partnerships with payment processors offer significantly higher than market rates, combined with limited features, benefits, flexibility and support.
why it's best to select a distinctive payment processor whose core business is electronic payments & billings
Payment processors who are not software companies dedicate all of their financial and human resources to the development, maintenance and oversight of the system which houses your customers' data and is responsible for your funds.
Methods | Online Bills | Data Sharing | Reports | Portals |
Security | Marketing | Support | Management | Customize |
Auto-Call | Lockbox |
With security and customer service as the highest priorities at PSN, we take pride in performing all work in-house. As a PSN client, you will have an experienced representative from each function on your Project Team.
We take security and financial responsibility seriously.
Level 1 Certified
Annual Independent
In State of Wisconsin
Your go-to Service Account Managerprovides comprehensive training and support throughout our partnership. They are your ally within PSN to make sure any concerns you have are addressed in a timely manner by the team dedicated to your account. | Your customers can actuallycall a "real person" in our Call Center to get help setting up their online profile, using the mobile app or asking any other question. For those who prefer email, our Customer Service Representatives respond personally to that, as well. | Helping you inform your customers,the marketing department will provide templates for bill stuffers, handouts, social media info and much more. A brief marketing training will be conducted. At the conclusion of the training, you can select which marketing materials you would like developed. They will also provide plans and website suggestions. | An expert in system integrationwill make the establishment of the interface between your software and the PSN system simple. Whether the interface is a batch process, real-time data interchange or a tokenization exchange, they have expertise in linking over 80 software systems with the PSN system. | Helping you determinewhich payment, billing and communication solutions are right for your organization and customers is an experienced consultant. Your consultant will have extensive knowledge in your industry and will walk you through all of the options to develop a customized solution that is perfect for you. |
If you require customization,your web developer team member is the one we will call on. These experienced programmers continually upgrade and add new capabilities to the PSN system. | Security, fraud protectionand administrative oversight are of utmost importance to your customers and organization. A compliance expert will be a member of your team. |
To make a payment by phone
Utility Payments...........1.877.885.7968
Rent Payments..............1.877.390.7368
Other Payments............1.866.917.7368 option 1
For Customer Service
Phone: 1.866.917.7368
Email: CustomerService@PaymentServiceNetwork.com
Note: If you have questions regarding the amount of your bill or your account number, please contact your utility office directly.
Phone Service Hours
Automated Payments: 24/7
Business Hours:
7 AM to 7 PM CT, Monday-Friday
New Sales Inquiries
Request a free online demo, consultation or more detailed information on our services.
© 2023 by Payment Service Network